The Most Disturbing Trend About Typical Milf Dating Websites
Milf dating websites are actually not very imaginative when it comes to their operations. They tend to look the same way, they tend to produce the same results. They tend to advertise the same way. Not surprisingly, if a lot of people do the same things, then they achieve the same results, roughly speaking.
This is not rocket science. You don’t have to have a PhD in statistical science to know this. After all, the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result each time. If these milf dating websites are operating the same way, then is it really all that big of a mystery that they produce the same results?
Well, you have to pay attention to the trends that take place on such websites so you can maximize your chances of success. If you’re completely clueless regarding these trends, then you only have yourself to blame if you don’t get the pussy that you’re looking for. Seriously. Milf dating is just going to be a mystery to you. It’s not going to pan out because you failed to pay attention to these trends.
One of the most disturbing trends of the typical milf dating website is teasing. What I mean by that is that these women would join and they would have no intention of ever sucking your dick or otherwise pleasuring you, much less fucking you. I know that sounds depressing, I know that sounds discouraging, but that’s the truth.
Now, there are two ways you can deal with this truth. You can act like a little boy and just give the fuck up. Well, you’re more than welcome to do that, but if you do that, you are failing because, as you already know, the only way to fail at anything in life is to give up. The second option is more masculine. It’s more manly and it’s more adult. The second option is to simply understand this, accept this fact and work around it.
So how do you work around this? Very simple. You join and you message women as you would normally. Once you notice that a chick keeps sending you messages and she seems flirty but wouldn’t want to do anything, drop her. After the third exchange, drop her. Don’t give her any advance warning, just drop her because it will make her try even harder to lure you.
The reason she’s doing this is she’s getting some sort of sick satisfaction that you are some jerk off she is leading on. They get some weird power trip out of this. You don’t have time to play that bullshit game. So after the third exchange, drop that bitch. You have better uses of your time.